© 2025 Alberto Becattini
Astronut and the Flying Bus (#853, WONDER BOOKS, 1965) S: Ellen Lenhart, I: Tony Tallarico
Deputy Dawg (#760, WONDER BOOKS, 1957) S: Crosby Newell, I: Herb Bezada & Mario Trombetta
Deputy Dawg and the Space Man (#773, WONDER BOOKS, 1961) S: Helen Sand, I: Herb Bezada & Joseph Crapanzano
Deputy Dawg’s Big Catch (#770, WONDER BOOKS, 1961) S: Crosby Newell, I: Herb Bezada & Joseph Crapanzano
Gandy Goose (#695, WONDER BOOKS, 1957) S: Leon Jason, I: Ruth Ruhman
Heckle and Jeckle (#694, WONDER BOOKS, 1957) S: Leon Jason, I: Ruth Ruhman
Heckle and Jeckle and the Runaway Balloon (???)
Heckle and Jeckle Visit the Farm (#712, WONDER BOOKS, 1957) S: Barbara Waring, I: Irv Gershen
Hector Crosses the River with George Washington (#769, WONDER BOOKS, 1961) S: Crosby Newell, I: Joe Crapanzano & Herb Bezada, Jr.
Hector Heathcote and the Knights (#840, WONDER BOOKS, 1965) S: Jean Bethell, I: George Zaffo
A Joke on Farmer Al Falfa (#736, WONDER BOOKS, 1959) S: Crosby Newell, I: Irv Gershner
Linus: A Smile for Grouse (Tell-a-Tale #2567, WHITMAN, 1966) S: Lenore Patrick, I: James F. Carleton, 28 pgs.
Mighty Mouse (#860, TREASURE BOOKS, 1953) S: Felix Sutton, I: Chad Grothkopf
Mighty Mouse and the Scarecrow (#678, WONDER BOOKS, 1954) S: Felix Sutton, I: Chad Grothkopf
Mighty Mouse and the Scared Scarecrow (#884, TREASURE BOOKS, 1954) S: Felix Sutton, I: Chad Grothkopf [Same contents as WONDER BOOKS #678, 1954]
Mighty Mouse: A Big Day in Mouseville Coloring Book (Marvel Books, 1988) S: Robb Lawrence, I: Frank Hill, Roberta Edelman, 48 pgs.
Mighty Mouse: Dinky Learns to Fly (#677, WONDER BOOKS, 1953) S: Felix Sutton, I: Chad Grothkopf [Also issued as Treasure Book #866, 1953]
Mighty Mouse: Pearl Pureheart’s Problem Coloring Book (Marvel Books, 1988) S: Michael Teitelbaum, I: Nate Butler, Doug Cushman, 48 pgs.
Mighty Mouse: Santa’s Helper (#662, WONDER BOOKS, 1955) S: Felix Sutton, I: Chad Grothkopf
Mighty Mouse: Scrappy’s Scrape with Danger Coloring Book (Marvel Books, 1988) S: S.M. Ballard, I: Jude Kane, 48 pgs.
Mighty Mouse to the Rescue (#717, WONDER BOOKS, 1958) S: Barbara Waring, I: Irv Gershen
Muskie and His Friends (#828, WONDER BOOKS, 1963) S: Jean Bethell, I: Stephen Kirkel & Herb Bezada
Silly Sidney (#841, WONDER BOOKS, 1965) S: Jean Bethell, I: Art Cummings
Tom Terrific’s Greatest Adventure (#735, WONDER BOOKS, 1959) S/I: Crosby Newell
Tom Terrific! With Mighty Manfred the Wonder Dog (#703, WONDER BOOKS, 1958) S: Crosby Newell, I: Arthur Bartsch
Terrytoons Coloring Book (#1402, WHITMAN, 1970)
The Terrytoon Space Train (#711, WONDER BOOKS, 1958) S: Barbara Waring, I: Irv Gershen
A Trick on Deputy Dawg (#830, WONDER BOOKS, 1964) S: Jean Bethell, I: Stephen Kirkel & Herb Bezada