08.03.2014 18:43

Amazing Animators No. 10


Walter Scott, Jr. nasce a Sandusky, Ohio, il 9 agosto 1894 da Walter Scott, Sr. and Emilie Schippel. Dopo aver frequentato la Cleveland School of Art, lavora come stampatore. Nel 1916 si trasferisce a Cleveland e lavora per tipografie e agenzie pubblicitarie. Nel 1920 si sposa ed avrà tre figli. Nel 1921 è nel reparto artistico del quotidiano Cleveland Press, poi nel 1922 passa al Cleveland Plain Dealer, dove disegna la striscia settimanale Dramatic Events in Bible History (1926-31) e poi crea una vignetta settimanale per bambini, The Doonks (1933-36). Nel 1935 diventa direttore artistico del settore riviste della NEA. Tre anni dopo decide di trasferirsi in California per lavorare nell'animazione allo Studio Disney. Qui contribuisce con layouts e disegni preparatori ai lungometraggi Pinocchio (1940), Fantasia (1940), Dumbo (1941) e Bambi (1942), svolgendo anche il ruolo di animatore per cortometraggi quali Sky Trooper (1942). Lascia la Disney dopo il lungo sciopero del 1941 e torna alla NEA, occupandosi di illustrazioni e di fumetti. Tra il 1943 e il 1952 disegna
anonimamente le tavole settimanali di Captain Easy, e nel 1943-45 quelle di Biff Baker. Tra il 1950 e il 1962 disegna anche l'annuale NEA Christmas Strip e altre strips stagionali per la NEA. Realizza anche vignette di argomento politico nel 1950-56. Domenica 1° giugno 1952 ha inizio la tavola settimanale The Little People, insieme con il topper Huckleberry Hollow. L'ultima tavola di The Little People appare il 6 settembre 1970 e Scott scompare il 17 dicembre a Rocky River, Cuyahoga, Ohio.


Walt Disney Story Department staff, c.1939. Left
to right: front row, Don Christensen, David Rose, Joe Rinaldi, Ernie Terrazas;
second row, Joe Sabo, Tony Rivera, Bill Peet; Third row, Phil Eastman, Gordon
Legg, Otto Englander (head of this story crew); back row, Walt Scott, Herb Ryman, Webb Smith, Ed Penner.

Walter Scott, Jr. was born August 9, 1894 in Sandusky, Ohio, to Walter Scott, Sr. and Emilie Schippel. After attending Cleveland School of Art, he worked as a printer. He moved to Cleveland in 1916, working for printers and advertising agencies. In 1920 he got married. The Scotts will have three children. In 1921 he joined the art department of the Cleveland Press, moving after one year to Cleveland Plain Dealer, where he drew the weekly strip Dramatic Events in Bible History (1926-31) and then created a children's Sunday panel, The Doonks (1933-36). In 1935 he became art director of the NEA magazine section. Three
years later he moved to California to work at the Disney Studio. He contributed layouts and preliminary sketches to animated features Pinocchio (1940), Fantasia (1940), Dumbo (1941) and Bambi (1942), also
animating on such short subjects as Sky Trooper (1942). He left Disney after the long 1941 strike and went back to NEA, drawing illustrations and comics. From 1943-1952 he anonymously drew the Captain Easy Sunday page, and in 1943-45 he illustrated Biff Baker. From 1949-1962 he also drew the annual NEA Christmas Strip and other NEA seasonal strips. He also drew political cartoons from 1950-56. On Sunday June 1, 1952 The Little People, Scott's best-known strip, made its debut. He also created the topper Huckleberry Hollows. The last The Little People page appeared on September 6, 1970, and Scott passed away December 17 in Rocky River, Cuyahoga, Ohio.


[Note: All dates in this section are day/month/year]

Studio: DISNEY 1938-1941

Story Sketch

07/02/1940 Pinocchio

13/11/1940 Fantasia

31/10/1941 Dumbo

13/08/1942 Bambi

Animatore / Animator

06/11/1942 Sky Trooper [Donald Duck]




Copertine / Cover art - Four Color #959, 1062 (1958/59).

Oh Little Town of Bethlehem - Four Color #1062 (1959).

The Songs of Christmas: Handel's Messiah] - Four Color #1062 (1959).

The Songs of Christmas: History of Christmas Songs - Four Color #1062 (1959).

Editore / Publisher: ZIFF-DAVIS (aka APPROVED COMICS)

The Beautiful Cap - Kiddie Karnival #nn (1952).


The King's Short Subject - Kiddie Karnival #nn (1952).




The Doonks - Vignetta settimanale / Sunday panel: testi e disegni / script and art February 19 1933-January 5 1936.

Dramatic Events in Bible History - Strisce settimanali / Weekly strip: Testi e disegni/ Script and art 1926-31.


Editore / Publisher: NEA

Biff Baker - Tavole settimanali / Sunday page: disegni / art 1942-Jan 27 1946.

A Boy at Calvary - Strisce quotidiane / Daily strip: disegni / art Mar 31-Apr 13 1952

Captain Easy - Tavole settimanali / Sunday page: disegni / art May 30 1943-October 19 1952.

The Easter Bird - Strisce quotidiane / Daily strip: testi e disegni / script and art March 29-April 17 1954.

The First Thanksgiving - Strisce quotidiane / Daily strip: testi e disegni / script and art October 29-November 22 1951.

Huckleberry Hollow - Tavole settimanali / Sunday page: testi e disegni / script and art June 1 1952-September 6 1970 [Topper: The Little People].


The Little Blue Duck - Strisce quotidiane / Daily strip: testi e disegni / script and art March 28-April 9 1955.

Little Liz - Vignette quotidiane / Daily panel: disegni / art October 22 1951-1965.

The Little People - Tavole settimanali / Sunday page: testi e disegni / script and art June 1 1952-September 6 1970.

The Magic Egg - Strisce quotidiane / Daily strip: testi e disegni / script and art March 16-April 4 1953.

NEA Christmas Strip - Strisce quotidiane annuali / Annual daily strip: testi e disegni / script and art

Sally Sailor and Meany Mo November 22-December 25 1937 [solo disegni / art only].

A Christmas Carol November 20-December 23, 1950 [R November 22-December 24 1954].


The Story of the Savior December 5-24 1949 [solo disegni / art only].

The Songs of Christmas December 3-22 1951.

The Little People's Christmas December 1-24 1952.

The Little Tree That Talked November 30-December 24 1953.

The Three Wishes December 5-24 1955.

The Animals' Christmas December 3-24 1956.

The Music Box Trio December 4-24 1957.

Jeremy Christmas December 1-24 1958.

Little Gabe and the Golden Stars December 7-24 1959

The Brightest Star December 5-24 1960.

Oleander's Christmas Eve December 4-23 1961.

Christmas on Marrow-Bone Bridge December 3-22 1962.

A Christmas Playhouse December 5-24 1966.

Political Cartoons - 1950-1956.

The Story of Eggbert - Strisce quotidiane / Daily strip: testi e disegni / script and art March 12-31 1956.

The Way to Cavalry - Strisce quotidiane / Daily strip: testi e disegni / script and art March 5-24 1951.


Dramatic Events in Bible History - Striscia settimanale / Weekly strip: disegni / art 1926-December 19 1931.



The Children's Newspaper - Illustrazione / Illustration December 26 1953.


Cleveland Plain Dealer Fiction Magazine - Cartoons December 20 1925; October 24 1926; May 27 1928; June 10 1928; July 8 1928-August 7 1928 et al.

Editore/Publisher: NEA

Montana Standard - Cartoon August 28 1938.

Editore/Publisher: SAMUEL LOWE

Chub Coloring Book #527-05 (1953) [Scott art?].

Cork Coloring Book #527-05 (1953) [Scott art?].

Jink Coloring Book #527-05 (1953) [Scott art?].

Loop Coloring Book #527-05 (1953) [Scott art?].

The Little People's Magic Egg Coloring Book #2569-25 (1954).



Editore/Publisher: JAYMAR

4 Little
People puzzles (195?).



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