02.08.2014 17:25

When Animation Meets the Comics No. 4


Anton C. Loeb nasce in Ungheria il 31 marzo 1908, ma cresce a New York. Ha un fratello, Charles G., che come sceneggiatore, nel periodo 1943-44, contribuirà agli albi a fumetti di Better/Standard, Eastern Color/Famous Funnies e Holyoke.

A 14 anni, sta copiando le opere dei maestri nel New York Museum of Art, quando un signore anziano gli dice che sta facendo "una brutta copia". Tony scaglia il pennello sul pavimento e ed esclama: "Non sto copiando. Qualsiasi idiota è in grado di copiare. Sto imparando le regole. Tra un po' realizzerò le mie opere, signore!" L'uomo è il celebre banchiere di New York George Baker, che diviene il benefattore di Loeb e gli paga gli studi alla Academy of Design.

Quando ha 16 anni, ottiene grazie a Baker un lavoro come scenografo presso la Metropolitan Opera Company. Innamorato della musica, Loeb inizia ad accompagnare i cantanti durante le prove. Un giorno, il grande Fëdor Chaliapin lo segue e lo ferma, esclamando "Ragazzo mio... Se proprio devi uccidere la musica, lascia ti insegni io a farlo... con grazia!" Il 29 aprile 1929 Loeb interpreta Sylvio nei Pagliacci di Leoncavallo alla Brooklyn Academy of Music. È l'inizio di una carriera che purtroppo dura poco, poiché una tonsillectomia gli impedisce di continuare a cantare.

Loeb riprende dunque a dipingere, e dal 1935 circa lavora presso lo studio di animazione dei fratelli Fleischer, dedicandosi alle scenografie dei cortometraggi di Popeye (Braccio di Ferro). Nel 1938 lo studio si trasferisce a Miami, in Florida, e Loeb lavora agli sfondi dei lungometraggi Gulliver's
(1939) e Mr. Bug Goes to Town (1941). Inoltre apre un proprio studio sulla DiLido Island.

Il 14 febbraio 1939 Loeb sposa la ventitreenne Frances Ravitz di New York, che gli darà tre figli: Marilyn, David L. e Jan G.

Quando, nel 1942, lo studio Fleischer cambia nome in Famous Studios, Loeb torna a New York proseguendo a dipingere sfondi per i cortometraggi di Popeye, Little Lulu, Casper e delle serie Noveltoons e Screen Song. Dal 1949 è di nuovo stabilmente in Florida e dal 1956 fa la spola tra la Miami, New York e Hollywood continuando la sua attività in seno al rinominato studio Paramount, per cortometraggi e serie televisive con i personaggi di Harvey Comics e King Features Syndicate.

Tra il 1943 e il 1946 collabora con il Sangor Studio, scrivendo e disegnando storie a fumetti con animali buffi, pubblicate dalle editrici Better/Standard, Creston/ACG, William H. Wise, Rural Home, Four Star e Timely/Marvel.

Loeb è anche illustratore di diversi libri per ragazzi, da Storytime Favorites (1947) all'adattamento di Allan Chaffee di The Wizard Of Oz (1950).

Nel 1962 lascia lo Studio Paramount e riprende a tempo pieno l'attività di designer nel proprio studio, che ha riaperto il 1° giugno 1959, al 1233 di Lincoln Road sulla Di Lido Island. Nel 1962 comincia a realizzare il design di magliette per la Tropix Togs.

Nel 1972 lavora per l'ultima volta nel campo dell'animazione, contribuendo al lungometraggio di Hanna-Barbera Charlotte's Web. Si ritira nel 1973.

Loeb scompare in seguito a un tumore al Cedars Medical Center di Miami, il 10 dicembre 1984.

Anton C. Loeb was born March 31, 1908 in Hungary, but he grew up in New York. His brother, Charles G. Loeb, worked as a writer during 1943-44, for titles published by Better/Standard, Eastern Color/Famous Funnies, and Holyoke.

At age 14, he was copying old masters at the New York Museum of Art, when an elderly man told him he was doing a "poor job of copying." Tony dashed his brush to the floor and exclaimed, "I'm not copying. Any fool can copy. I'm learning the rules. Later on I'll do my own work, Mister!" The man was the famous New York banking genius, George Baker, who became Loeb's benefactor sending him to The Academy of Design in New York.

When Loeb was 16, Baker got him a job with the Metropolitan Opera Company as a scenic designer.When Loeb was 16, Baker got him a job with the Metropolitan Opera Company as a scenic designer. Having fallen in love with music, Loeb began to accompany the lead singers during rehearsals. One day the great Fëdor Chaliapin went after him and said to him, "My boy...if you MUST murder music, I will teach you how to do it with...finesse!" On April 29, 1929, Loeb sang the role of Sylvio in Leoncavallo's Pagliacci at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Unfortunately, shortly after his musical career came to an end after a tonsillectomy that left him unable to sing.

Loeb started painting again full time and from about 1935 he was working at the Fleischer brothers animation studio in New York,
painting backgrounds for the Popeye shorts. After the studio moved to Miami, Florida in 1938, Loeb continued creating backgrounds for shorts as well as for the feature cartoons Gulliver's Travels (1939) and Mr. Bug Goes to Town (1941). He also opened his own studio on DiLido Island.

On February 14, 1939 Loeb married 23-year-old Frances Ravitz from New York. The couple would have three children: Marilyn, David L., and Jan G.

When the Fleischer Studio became Famous Studios in 1942, Loeb went back to New York, continuing to paint backrounds for shorts featuring Popeye, Little Lulu, Casper as well as those in the Noveltoons and Screen Song series. In 1949 he was again in Florida and until 1956 he was commuting from Miami to New York and Hollywood, continuing his activity at the Paramount studio on theatrical shorts and TV series featuring Harvey Comics and King Features Syndicate characters.

From 1943-46 he also worked for Sangor Studios, writing and drawing funny animal comics published by Better/Standard, Creston/ACG, William H. Wise, Rural Home, Four Star, and Timely/Marvel.

Loeb also illustrated a few children's books, including Storytime Favorites (1947) and Allan Chaffee's adaptation of The Wizard Of Oz (1950).

He left the Paramount Studio in 1962 to work full time as a commercial artist and designer in his own studio, which had re-opened on June 1, 1959, at 1233 Lincoln Road on Di Lido Island. In 1962 he started designing shirts for Tropix Togs.

He worked one last time in animation in 1972, contributing to the Hanna-Barbera feature cartoon, Charlotte's Web. He retired in 1973.

Loeb passed away from cancer at Cedars Medical Center on December 10, 1984 in Miami, Florida.


Studio: FLEISCHER -1935-1942

Sfondi / Backgrounds

22/01/1937  The Paneless Window Washer (Popeye)

18/02/1938  Learn Polikeness (Popeye)

14/06/1939  Ghosks Is the Bunk (Popeye)

22/12/1939 Gulliver's Travels

05/12/1941  Mr. Bug Goes to Town

16/01/1942 Kickin' the Conga 'Round (Popeye)

Studio: FAMOUS 1942-1956

Sfondi / Backgrounds

19/05/1944  Lulu in Hollywood (Little Lulu)

29/09/1944  Lulu's Indoor Outing (Little Lulu)

02/03/1945  Magica-Lulu (Little Lulu)

11/01/1946  Bargain Counter Attack (Little Lulu)

09/08/1946  Rocket to Mars (Popeye)

18/10/1946  Sudden Fried Chicken (Noveltoon)

24/01/1947  Musica-Lulu (Little Lulu)

24/03/1947  A Scout with the Gout (Little Lulu)

25/04/1947  The Stupidstitious Cat (Noveltoon - Buzzy)

25/04/1947  Abusement Park (Popeye)

25/07/1947  Much Ado About Mutton (Noveltoon - Blackie)

22/08/1947  The Mild West (Noveltoon)

10/10/1947  A Bout with a Trout (Little Lulu)

24/10/1947  Wotta Knight (Popeye)

07/11/1947  Safari So Good (Popeye)

26/12/1947  The Circus Comes to Clown (Screen Song)

19/03/1948  We're in the Honey (Noveltoon)

26/03/1948  Pre-Hysterical Man (Popeye)

23/04/1948  There's Good Boos To-Night (Casper)

07/06/1948  The Land of the Lost (Noveltoon)

03/09/1948  Snow Place Like Home (Popeye)

15/10/1948  The Mite Makes Right (Noveltoon)

21/01/1949  The Little Cut-Up (Noveltoon)

11/03/1949  Comin' Round the Mountain (Screen Song)

13/05/1949  A-Haunting We Will Go (Casper)

22/07/1949  A Balmy Swami (Popeye)

06/01/1950  Land of the Lost Jewels (Noveltoon)

17/03/1950  Gym Jam (Popeye)

24/03/1950  Shortenin' Bread (Screen Song)

30/06/1950  Heap Hep Injuns (Screen Song)

21/07/1950  Pleased to Eat You (Noveltoon - The Hungry Lion)

18/08/1950  Goofy Goofy Gander (Noveltoon - Little Audrey)

22/09/1950  Boos in the Nite (Screen Song)

17/11/1950  Fiesta Time (Screen Song)

13/04/1951  Drippy Mississippi (Screen Song)

18/05/1951  Miners Forty-Niners (Screen Song)

15/06/1951  Double-Cross-Country Race (Popeye)

13/07/1951  Pilgrim Popeye (Popeye)

10/08/1951  Casper Comes to Clown (Casper)

19/10/1951  Let's Stalk Spinach (Popeye)

07/12/1951  Casper Takes a Bow-Wow (Casper)

15/02/1952  The Deep Boo Sea (Casper)

04/04/1952  Cat Carson Rides Again (Noveltoon - Herman and Katnip)

11/04/1952  Ghost of the Town (Casper)

18/07/1952  City Kitty (Noveltoon - Katnip)

12/09/1952  Pig-a-Boo (Casper)

14/11/1952  Forest Fantasy (Kartune)

13/02/1953  Frightday the 13th (Casper)

06/03/1953  Starting from Hatch (Noveltoon - Baby Huey)

10/06/1953  Invention Convention (Kartune)

12/06/1953  Toreadorable (Popeye)

28/08/1953  Little Boo-Peep (Casper)

02/10/1953  Popeye, the Ace of Space (Popeye)

09/10/1953  Shaving Muggs (Popeye)

20/11/1953  Huey's Ducky Daddy (Noveltoon - Baby Huey)

28/05/1954  Casper Genie (Casper)

16/07/1954  Puss 'n' Boos (Casper)

13/08/1954  Greek Mirthology (Popeye)

20/08/1954  Ship A-Hooey (Herman and Katnip)

12/11/1954  Private Eye Popeye (Popeye)

14/01/1955  Cookin' with Gags (Popeye)

28/01/1955  Hide and Shriek (Casper)

04/02/1955  Dizzy Dishes (Noveltoon - Little Audrey)

11/03/1955  Penny Antics (Popeye)

22/07/1955  Car-azy Drivers (Popeye)

04/11/1955  Cops Is Tops (Popeye)

11/05/1956  Swab the Duck (Noveltoon - Baby Huey)

10/08/1956  Insect to Injury (Popeye)

12/09/1956  Parlez-Vous Woo (Popeye)

Studio: PARAMOUNT 1956-1962

Sfondi / Backgrounds

31/07/1959  Casper's Birthday Party (Casper)

00/09/1960  Scouting for Trouble (Jeepers and Creepers)

00/00/1960-00/00/1961  Popeye the Sailor (TV Series - 54 episodes)

00/07/1961  Trick or Tree (Noveltoon)

00/03/1962  Funderful Suburbia (Modern Madcap)

00/04/1962  Frog's Legs (Comic Kings - Little Lulu)

00/05/1962  Home Sweet Swampy (Comic Kings - Beetle Bailey)

00/05/1962  Hero's Reward (Comic Kings - Beetle Bailey)

00/06/1962  The Hat (Comic Kings - Snuffy Smith)

00/09/1962  Et Tu Otto (Comic Kings - Beetle Bailey)

00/10/1962  Keeping Up with Krazy (Comic Kings - Krazy Kat)

00/11/1962  Robot Ringer (Modern Madcap)

00/12/1962  Fiddlin' Around (Noveltoon)

1963  The New Casper Cartoon Show (TV Series - 16 episodes)

Beetle Bailey (TV Series - 10 episodes)

00/09/1963  Harry Happy (Modern Madcap)

00/10/1963  Tell Me a Badtime Story (Modern Madcap)

00/00/1963-00/00/1964  Barney Google (TV Series - 15 episodes)

00/04/1964  Sailing Zero (Swifty and Shorty)

00/09/1964  Robot Rival (Modern Madcap - Zippy Zeipher)

Studio: HANNA-BARBERA 1972

Sfondi / Backgrounds

01/03/1973 Charlotte's Web


Editore / Publisher: AMERICAN COMICS GROUP (alias CRESTON)

Ferdie Bear - Ha Ha Comics #5 (2/1944) 

Pa Pig and Junior - Ha Ha Comics #26 (2/1946)

Red Robin - Giggle Comics #9 (6/1944)

Swifty Takes The Cake - Giggle Comics #2 (11/43)

Editore / Publisher: BETTER (alias STANDARD, NEDOR)

Camera Bug - (1945)

Chuckie Cat - Goofy Comics #9 (5/1945)

Dauber Dog - (1943/46)

Edgar Elephant - (1943)

The Flying Pony - Coo Coo Comics #17 (5/1945)

Illustrazioni / Illustrations - (1945-46)

Pinly the Curious Penguin - Coo Coo Comics #9 (1/1944)

Pip the Penguin - Complete Book of Comics and Funnies #1 (1944)

Sky Terrier - (1943)

Squinty - Coo Coo Comics #16 (3/1945)

Steeple Jack - (1945)

Trixie - (1944)

Uncle Bunny - (1944)


Lil Chief Hotshot - Hi-Ho Comics #3 (6/1946) [Loeb?]

Editore / Publisher: LEFFINGWELL

Hambone - Chuckle #nn [1] (1945)

Treacle - Chuckle #nn [1] (1945)

Editore / Publisher: MARVEL (alias TIMELY)

Morty Monk and Buck Baboon - (1943)

Waldo and Ferdy - (1943)

Editore / Publisher: RURAL HOME

Mort Monk The Mysterious Footprint Burglaries [Tavola con testo e illustrazioni / Text Illustrations] - Laffy-Daffy Comics #2 (3/1945)

Editore / Publisher: WILLIAM H. WISE

America's Funniest Comics (1944)



Editore / Publisher: RANDOM HOUSE

The Wizard of Oz (1950)

Editore / Publisher: WONDER BOOKS

The Little train That Won a Medal #512 (1947)

Storytime Favorites #514 (1947)

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