22.02.2014 15:16

When Animation Meets the Comics No. 3 


Morris (Mo, Moe) Gollub nasce il 6 ottobre 1910 a St. Louis, Missouri, da immigrati ebrei russi. Suo padre Josiah M. Gollub (1878-1965) è titolare di una lavanderia. Il cognome da nubile di sua madre è Rabinowitz.
Morris e I suoi due fratelli fanno parte degli Eagle Scouts. Morris adora il West e I serial cinematografici di Tom Mix.

Gollub frequenta corsi d'arte alla Washington University di St. Louis e vi si laurea, rifiutando una borsa di studio per il football. È anche lottatore, culturista, cavalca e ama i cavalli.

Gollub partecipa alla CCC ed è muralista per la WPA fino al 1937, quando sale su un treno per Los Angeles e viene assunto allo  Studio Disney. Inizia come intercalatore per Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937), poi diviene animatore a pieno titolo e contribuisce a cortometraggi della serie Silly Symphony, a Pinocchio (1940) e Bambi (1942). Per quest'ultimo lungometraggio realizza anche il design del "puzzolo" Flower e anima, tra l'altro, la scena della lotta tra i cervi. Risiede a Glendale e ben preso diventa un leader sindacale nello sciopero del 1941 allo Studio Disney, che lascerà quello stesso anno. Ancora nel 1941, realizza storyboard e design dei costumi per il film dal vero The Jungle Book,  prodotto da Alexander Korda.

Durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale è di stanza nel Sud Pacifico. Dopo il congedo, nel 1945, si reca a New York, e per un po' risiede a New Rochelle con il suo amico ed ex animatore Disney Dan Noonan. Un altro amico ed ex collega, Walt Kelly, lo presenta a Oskar Lebeck, direttore editoriale presso l'ufficio di New York della Western Printing, e Gollub inizia a disegnare per gli albi con etichetta Dell. Resterà con la Western, con qualche pausa, fino al 1977, disegnando storie per titoli quali Animal Comics, Four Color Comics, Raggedy Ann and Andy, MGM's Lassie e Gene Autry's Champion, e dipingendo formidabili copertine per Four Color Comics, Tarzan, Indian Chief, Turok, Son of Stone, Mighty Samson e Korak, Son of Tarzan. Nel 1957-60, Gollub disegna anche la strip di Smokey the Bear per la Columbia Features.

Gollub ha due figli, James and Lisanne. La madre muore quando James ha circa venti anni.

Gollub torna all'animazione dopo essersi di nuovo trasferito in California, intorno al 1960. È animatore per Creston, Eagle Films e Sanrio, e realizza layouts e sceneggiature per Hanna-Barbera, UPA, Pantomime Pictures, De Patie-Freleng e Ruby-Spears fino al 1983.

Gollub è membro della Comic Art Professional Society (CAPS) e collabora al portfolio del 1978, dell'organizzazione sindacale I.A.T.S.E. Local 839 (che presiede nel 1979), e organizzatore e presidente della Motion Picture Screen Cartoonists Guild. Insegna tecnica dell'animazione presso la Cal Arts alla metà degli anni Settanta, su invito del suo amico ed ex collega alla Disney Jules Engel. Walt Kelly chiamerà Moe un caterpiggle (bruco) in onore di Gollub in una striscia di Pogo.

Gollub scompare il 30 dicembre 1984 a Santa Cruz, in California.

Morris (Mo, Moe) Gollub was born October 6, 1910 in St. Louis, Missouri to Jewish Russian immigrants. His father Josiah M. Gollub (1878-1965) ran a dry cleaning establishment. His mother's maiden name was Rabinowitz. Morris and his two brothers were Eagle Scouts. Morris loved the West and loved Tom Mix movie serials.

Gollub attended art courses at Washington University in St. Louis, and graduated there, turning down a football scholarship. He was also a champion wrestler, body builder, a horseman and a horse lover.

Gollub was a CCC participant and WPA muralist until 1937, when he caught a train for Los Angeles and was hired at the Walt Disney animation studio. He started as an inbetweener on Snow White and the Seven
(1937), then became an animator and worked on Silly Symphony shorts, Pinocchio (1940), and Bambi (1942). For the latter feature he designed Flower the Skunk and animated the buck fight scene, among others. Residing in Glendale, he became a leader of the 1941 strike at the Disney Studio, and eventually left the same year. Still in 1941, he did storyboards and designed costumes for Alexander Korda's live-action film The Jungle Book.

During WW2 he served in the South Pacific. Back to civilian life in 1945, he went to New York, staying with ex-Disney animator Dan Noonan at the latter's house/studio in New Rochelle. His former Disney colleague and friend Walt Kelly introduced him to managing editor Oskar Lebeck at Western Printing's New York office, and Gollub started drawing for the Dell-labeled comic books. He stayed with
Western, off and on, until 1977, drawing for such titles as Animal Comics, Four Color Comics, Raggedy Ann and Andy, MGM's Lassie, and Gene Autry's Champion, and painting outstanding covers for Four Color Comics, Tarzan, Indian Chief, Turok, Son of Stone, Mighty Samson, and Korak, Son of Tarzan. In 1957-60, Gollub also drew the Smokey the Bear newspaper strip for Columbia Features.

Gollub had two children, James and Lisanne. Their mother died when James was about twenty.

Gollub went back to animation after moving back to California around 1960. He animated at Creston, Eagle Films and Sanrio, and did layouts and story work for Hanna-Barbera, UPA, Pantomime Pictures, De Patie-Freleng and Ruby-Spears until 1983.

Gollub was a member of the Comic Art Professional Society (CAPS) whose portfolio he contributed to in 1978), of I.A.T.S.E. Local 839 (presiding it in 1979), and co-organizer and president of the Motion Picture Screen Cartoonists Guild. He was an animation instructor at Cal Arts in the middle seventies, brought in by his former Disney colleague and friend Jules Engel. Walt Kelly named a caterpiggle (caterpillar) in honor of Moe in a Pogo strip.

Gollub passed away on December 30, 1984 in Santa Cruz, California.


Studio: DISNEY 1937-1941

Intercalatore / Inbetweener

21/12/1937 Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

Animatore / Animator

14/10/1938 Farmyard Symphony [Silly Symphony]

07/04/1939 The Ugly Duckling [Silly Symphony]

07/02/1940 Pinocchio

13/08/1942 Bambi [Buck fight]


Storyboards, design costumi / Storyboards, costume designer

03/04/1942 The Jungle Book [live-action]


Animatore / Animator

03/10/1961-7/11/1961 Calvin and the Colonel [TV series - 6 episodes]

Studio: EAGLE FILMS/DETIEGE c.1963-1964

Animatore / Animator

03/04/1965 The Man from Button Willow

Studio: HANNA-BARBERA 1964-1974/1976-1977/1981-1982


25/09/1964-24/02/1965 The Adventures of Jonny Quest [TV series - 6 episodes]

09/09/1965-00/00/1966 The Atom Ant Show [TV series]

10/09/1966-12/11/1966 Space Ghost [TV series - 10 episodes]

09/09/1967-00/00/1967 Shazzan! [TV series]

00/09/1967-00/00/1967 Abbott and Costello [TV series]

20/10/1968-29/12/1968 The New Adventures of Huck Finn [TV series - 2 episodes]

01/01/1969 A Fair Day for Tooly [TV series The Banana Splits Adventure Hour] 

12/09/1970-31/10/1970 Scooby Doo, Where Are You! [TV series - 8 episodes]

12/09/1970-00/00/1971 The Harlem Globetrotters [TV series]

11/09/1971-00/00/1972 The Pebbles and Bamm Bamm Show [TV series]

09/09/1972-23/12/1972 The New Scooby-Doo Movies [TV series - 16 episodes]

04/10/1972 The Last of the Curlews [TV Series ABC Afterschool Specials]

13/02/1973 Papa in New York [TV Series Wait Till Your Father Gets Home]

20/02/1973 The Neighbors [TV Series Wait Till Your Father Gets Home]

01/03/1973 Charlotte's Web

08/09/1973-00/00/1973 Speed Buggy [TV series]

06/03/1974 Cyrano [TV Series ABC Afterschool Specials]

07/09/1974-05/09/1975 These Are the Days [TV series]

20/11/1976 Davy Crockett on the Mississippi

11/09/1976-27/11/1976 The Mumbly Cartoon Show [TV series]

10/09/1977-09/12/1977 The All-New Super Friends Hour [TV series - 7 episodes]

10/09/1977-12/12/1977 Scooby's All-Star Laff-a-Lympics [TV series - 13 episodes]

07/12/1977 A Flintstone Christmas [TV special]

18/09/1982-04/12/1982 The Smurfs [TV series - 36 episodes]

25/09/1982-18/12/1982 Pac-Man [TV series - 13 episodes]

19/11/1982 Heidi's Song

13/07/1987 Rock Odyssey [originally produced in 1981-82]

Direttore del reparto layouts / Layout Unit Manager

07/09/1974-00/00/1974 Valley of the Dinosaurs [TV series]

direttore della sceneggiatura / Layouts, Story Director

00/00/1978 Jana of the Jungle [TV series]

Direttore della sceneggiatura / Story Director

09/09/1978-08/12/1979 Godzilla [TV series - 19 episodes]



06/09/1969-00/00/1970 Sky Hawks [TV series]

Studio: UPA 1969


15/02/1970 Uncle Sam Magoo [TV movie]

Studio: DE PATIE-FRELENG 1974-1975

Design, direttore degli storyboards / Graphic Designer, Storyboard Director

06/09/1975-29/11/1975 Return to the Planet of the Apes [TV series - 13 episodes]

Studio: SANRIO 1977/1981

Animatore, Regista / Animator, Director

03/05/1978 Winds of Change [aka Metamorphoses]

04/07/1982 Animalympics: Winter Games

Studio: RUBY-SPEARS  1982-1983

Design dei personaggi, direttore della sceneggiatura / Character Designer, Story Director

10/09/1983 The Puppy's Further Adventures

Layouts, direttore della sceneggiatura / Layouts, Story Director

17/09/1983-10/12/1983 Mr. T [TV series - 13 episodes]




The American Indian Before the Coming of the White Man - Four Color #290 (1950).

The Alligator Snaps in Vain - Animal Comics #27 (1947).

And Now - Merry Christmas To All! - Four Color #175 (1947).

"Angels Were Singing..."  - Four Color #259 (1949).

Animal Babies - Animal Comics #25 (1947).

Animals of the Air - Four Color #1119 (1960).

Animals of the Land - Four Color #1119 (1960).

Animals of the Sea - Four Color #1119 (1960).

Animals Today - Four Color #713 (1956).

The Animal World - Four Color #713 (1956).

Apache Grass Hogan Home Builders - Four Color #290 (1950).

Baby Llama - Raggedy Ann and Andy #10 (1947).

Bambi - Four Color #186 (1948).

Bambi, Thumper, and Flower - Four Color #186

Black Beauty - Four Color #440 (1952).

Blackfeet Chieftain - Four Color #290 (1950).

Blunt Arrow Boy - Four Color #290 (1950).

Bob and Sue - Raggedy Ann and Andy #32 (1949).

Bucky Beaver to the Rescue - Animal Comics #21 (1946).

Buffalo Caller - Four Color #290 (1950).

Bumpy - Raggedy Ann and Andy #15 (1947).

The Chick Who Couldn't Swim and the Duckling Whose Mother Wouldn't Let Him - Raggedy Ann and Andy #3 (1946) [Gollub?].

Chief Grant Richards of the Tonkawa Tribe - The Lone Ranger #15 (1949).

The Christmas Mouse - Four Color #175 (1947).

Chucky the Colt  - Raggedy Ann and Andy #2 (1946).

Chuckwagon Charley's Tales - Animal Comics #27-30 (1947).

Copertine / Cover art - Animal Comics #25-30 [part] (1947); Dell Giant Comics #25, 37 (1959/60); Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan's Jungle Annual #1-7 (1952-58); Four Color #128, 136, 151, 167, 186, 197, 205, 211, 222, 230, 236, 246, 255, 259, 270, 287, 290, 319, 333, 344, 373, 397, 419, 440, 460, 487, 582, 620, 653, 665, 708, 713, 729, 788, 789, 932, 1016, 1119 (1946-60); Indian Chief #7, 12-17, 19, 22 (1952-55); Jungle Jim #12-15 (1957-58); The Lone Ranger #1-31 (1948-51); The Lone Ranger's Companion Tonto #28, 33 (1957-58); March of Comics #223, 432 (1961/77); MGM's Lassie #1-9, 14-37 (1951-52/54-57); Raggedy Ann and Andy #5, 6 (?), 8, 10, 11, 13-24 [with George Kerr/Lea Bing?], 25-31 (1946-48) ; Sergeant Preston of the Yukon #5 (1952); Tarzan #7-12, 55-79, 114-116, 118-120 (1949/54-56/59-60); Turok, Son of Stone #8-12, 14, 18, 19, 21-23 (1957-61); Zane Grey's Stories of the West #33 (1957).

Cowboy and Cattle - Four Color #222 (1949).

Cubby and Tubby - Animal Comics #19 (1946).

Cubs'll Be Cubs - Animal Comics #18 (1945).

Dead-Shot Dandy - The Lone Ranger #18 (1949).

Detour - Four Color #754 (1956).

The Dholes -
Wild Dogs of India - Four Color #620

Early Man and Mammals - Four Color #713 (1956).

An Elephant Never Forgets - Animal Comics #28 (1947).

Flipper - Animal Comics #20 (1946).

Frontiersman - Four Color #197 (1948).

Gene Autry's Champion - Gene Autry's Champion #4, 8, 9, 11, 14-19 (1951-55); Western Roundup #8, 15 (1954/56).

The Goat That Went to School - Raggedy Ann and Andy #30 (1948).

Katonka - Animal Comics #1, 2 (1942).

Indian Chief Bear Paw - Indian Chief #14 (1954).

Indian Chief White Eagle - Indian Chief #12 (1953).

Introduction to Mowgli - Four Color #582 (1954).

The Journey of Standing Bear - Indian Chief #12 (1953).

The Jungle Folk - Four Color #487 (1953).

The Kitten Stand - Raggedy Ann and Andy #27 (1948).

Lassie - MGM's Lassie #1-8 (1951-52).

Leonora the Beautiful - Four Color #114 (1946).

A Letter to Santa - Four Color #175 (1947).

Little Angels and Their Reflections - Four Color #205 (1948).

Little Otter's Eagle - Animal Comics #4 (1943).

The Magic Forest - Four Color #121 (1946).

Merry Christmas - Four Color #205 (1948).

Michael Finnegan - Raggedy Ann and Andy #24 (1948).

Mother and baby went for a walk - Animal Comics #26 (1947).

Mowgli - Four Color #582 (1954).

Mowgli and Red Dog - Four Color #620 (1955).

Mowgli and Shere Khan - Four Color #582 (1954).

Mowgli and the King's Ankus - Four Color #620 (1955).

Nibs - A Little Deer of the Adirondacks - Animal Comics #27 (1947).

Night Owl - Four Color #653 (1955).

North to Alaska - Four Color #1155 (1960).

Not So "Dumb Animals"  - Animal Comics #24 (1946).

O Come, Little Children - Four Color #128 (1946).

Old Man Bear - Animal Comics #25 (1947).

On Dreamy August Afternoons - Raggedy Ann and Andy #27 (1948).

On Gene Autry's Ranch - Four Color #319 (1951).

The Outlander - Indian Chief #12 (1953).

Peter Rabbit - New Funnies #65 (1942) [Gollub?].

Prehistoric Animals - Four Color #713 (1956).

Prickly Pesky Porcupines - Animal Comics #25 (1947).

The Quarter Horse - The Lone Ranger #18 (1949).

"The Raggedys are all excited" - Raggedy Ann and Andy #23 (1948).

The Raggedy Way - Raggedy Ann and Andy #1, 23, 27, 30, 31 et al (1946/48-49).

Ranger Captain of the Lone Star State - The Lone Ranger #15 (1949).

Retrocopertine / Back cover art - Four Color #128 (1946).

Riders Fleeing a Landslide - Four Color #246 (1949).

Robin Hood - Four Color #413 (1952) [with Jon Small?].

Royal Predicament - Animal Comics #22 (1946).

Rudyard Kipling's Mowgli - Four Color #487 (1953).

Sac and Fox Warrior - Four Color #290 (1950).

The Sand Pile - Raggedy Ann and Andy #1 (1946).

Santa and the Angel - Four Color #128 (1946) [R in #259, 1949].

Sitara - Animal Comics #22 (1946) [anche testi / also script].

Smokey the Bear - Four Color #653, 708, 754, 1119 (1955/56/60).

Some Weapons and Useful Gear of the Eastern Woodland Indians - Four Color #197 (1948).

Son of Black Beauty - Four Color #566 (1954) [with Till Goodan?].

Speedy Animals - Animal Comics #26 (1947).

Stop That Bear - Animal Comics #29 (1947).

Stuffins - Raggedy Ann and Andy #34-39 (1949).

Subscribe Now! - Raggedy Ann and Andy #10 (1947).

The Tale of Peter Rabbit - Raggedy Ann and Andy #23 (1948).

Tarzan [Illustration] - Tarzan #9 (1949).

Teasing a Turtle - Four Color #754 (1956).

This Month - (1947).

Thumper - Four Color #186 (1948).

Thumper and Friends - Four Color #186 (1948).

Trouble in the Zoo - Animal Comics #20 (1946) [anche testi / also script].

Two Little Foxes - Raggedy Ann and Andy #1 (1946).

Ungor Guards the Flock - Animal Comics #26 (1947).

Upside Down, Right Side Up - Animal Comics #28 (1947).

A Very Special Pet

War Clubs and Tomahawks - Four Color #290 (1950).

Water Bunnies - Animal Comics #25 (1947).

Whaling - Animal Comics #26 (1947) [anche testi / also script].

Where the Buffalo Roam - Animal Comics #25 (1947).

Wild Horses Under Sandstone Arch - Four Color #236 (1949).

Winter Time - Animal Comics #19 (1946).

Zane Grey's Drift Fence - Four Color #270 (1950).

Zane Grey's River Feud - Four Color #484 (1953).

Zane Grey's Spirit of the Border - Four Color #197 (1948).

Editore/Publisher: GOLD KEY (aka KK

Copertine / Cover art - Korak, Son of Tarzan #1-12, 44 (1964-66/71); Mighty Samson #1, 3 (1964-65); Tarzan of the Apes #139, 141-145, 150, 152, 153, 186 (1963-65/69).

Korak, Son of Tarzan [lllustrations] - Korak, Son of Tarzan #2-5, 7, 8 (1964).

Retrocopertine / Back Cover art - Korak, Son of Tarzan #1, 6-10 (1964-65); Mighty Samson #1 (1964).



Smokey the Bear - Strisce quotidiane e tavole settimanali / Daily strip and Sunday page 1957-1960.

Smokey Says - Tavole settimanali / Sunday page 1959-1960
[Topper:  Smokey the Bear].



Jack and the Beanstalk Starring Gene Kelly HLP-8511 (Mono, 1967) / HST-9511 (Stereo, 1967) - Copertina / Cover art [con/ with Paul Julian].


Editore/Publisher: CAPS

1978 CAPS Portfolio - Illustrations.

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