02.03.2014 16:17

The Sickles-Caniff School No. 1 


Charles Herman Raab nasce a Dayton, Ohio, il 3 novembre 1908 da Charles Henry Raab e Ella Deaty.

Frequenta la Stivers High School (ora Stivers School for the Arts) a Dayton, la stessa scuola frequentata da Milton Caniff, dove ha lo stesso insegnante di arte. Frequenta poi per due anni la Ohio State University, prima di trasferirsi a New
York per assistere Milton Caniff per Terry and the Pirates (1936-38) e poi Alfred Andriola per Charlie Chan (1938-40). Mentre lavora per Andriola, tenta di lanciare una propria strip, Lance McLane, che viene tuttavia rifiutata dai syndicates.

Dal 17 giugno 1940 al 5 dicembre 1942 disegna strisce e tavole di Adventures of Patsy per la Associated Press, ma si fa spesso aiutare da Noel Sickles.

Lascia Patsy quando viene arruolato in Aviazione a West Point, New York, il 20 ottobre 1942. Al suo ritorno, dopo la Guerra, crea la striscia Foreign Correspondent, che tuttavia non verrà mai pubblicata. Torna quindi ad assistere Alfred Andriola, stavolta per Kerry Drake.

Tra il 1948 e il 1951 realizza storie per i comic books delle editrici Hillman, Parents' Magazine Press e St. John. Per quest'ultima illustra il graphic novel intitolato The Case of the Winking Buddha,  su testi di Manning Lee Stokes. Raab scompare il 5 aprile 1966. È sepolto nel Long Island National Cemetery, Suffolk County, New York.

Charles Herman Raab was born November 3, 1908 in Dayton, Ohio, to Charles Henry Raab and Ella Deaty.

He attended Stivers High School (now Stivers School for the Arts) in Dayton, the same school that was attended by Milton Caniff, studying under the same art instructor. He then attended Ohio State University for two years before moving to New York to assist Milton Caniff on Terry and the Pirates (1936-38) and later Alfred Andriola on Charlie Chan (1938-40). While working for Andriola, he tried to sell his own strip, Lance McLane, which was not bought by any syndicate.

From June 17,1940 until December 5, 1942 he drew strips and pages of Adventures of Patsy for Associated Press, although he was often helped by Noel Sickles.

He left Patsy when he was drafted in the Air Corps at West Point, New York, on October 20, 1942. On his return to civilian life he created the strip Foreign Correspondent, which was never released. He then went back to assisting Alfred Andriola, this time on Kerry Drake.

From 1948-51 he drew stories for comic books published by Hillman, Parents' Magazine Press and St. John. For the latter one he illustrated the graphic novel The Case of the Winking Buddha, from a script by Manning Lee Stokes.

Raab passed away on April 5, 1966. He is buried in Long Island National Cemetery, Suffolk County, New York.



Editore / Publisher: HILLMAN

The Apple - Crime Detective Comics Vol. 1 #9 (1949).

The Boston "Ice" Party - Crime Detective Comics Vol. 1 #8 (1949).

From a Certain Window - Mr. Anthony's Love Clinic Vol. 1 #5 (1950).

Girl of Baltimore - Romantic Confessions Vol. 2 #3 (1951).

The Great Rube - A Real Story - Real Sports Comics #1 (1948).

The Jungle - Crime Detective Comics Vol. 1 #10 (1949).Crime Detective Comics Vol. 1 #10 (1949).


The Last of the Scanlans - Dead-Eye Western Vol. 1 #4 (1949).

The Longest Fight - Airboy Comics Vol. 7 #8 [79] (1950). 

The Man With the Whip - Western Fighters Vol. 1 #12 (1949).


Men from Oregon - Crime Detective Comics Vol. 2 #1 (1950) [Raab?].

A New Face for Leon - Crime Detective Stories Vol. 1 #3 (1948) [inks over Bill Fraccio].

The Paycheck - Crime Detective Comics Vol. 1 #7 (1949) [inks over Clem Weisbecker?].

The Queen of Hackensack - Real Clue Crime Stories Vol. 3 #11 (1949).

The River Rats - Crime Detective Stories Vol. 1 #5 (1948) [inks over Bill Fraccio].

Scarface of the Keys - Crime Detective Comics Vol. 2 #5 (1950).

The Scotch Started It All - All.Time Sports Comics Vol. 1 #7 (1949).

Something for the Ladies - Crime Detective Comics Vol. 1 #4 (1948).

Terrible Terry - Airboy Comics Vol. 8 #3 [86] (1951).


Editore / Publisher: PARENTS' MAGAZINE PRESS

Dorothy Dare - Sweet Sixteen #1-13 (1946-48).

Editore/ Publisher: PRIZE

Charlie Chan - Charlie Chan #2 (1948).


Editore / Publisher: ST. JOHN

The Case of the Winking Buddha (1950) [Reprinted in Authentic Police Comics #25 (1953)].



Editore / Publisher: ASSOCIATED PRESS

Adventures of Patsy - Strisce quotidiane e tavole settimanali / Daily strip and Sunday page June 17 1940-Dec 5 1942.



Terry and the Pirates - Strisce quotidiane e tavole settimanali / Daily strip and Sunday page 1936-1938 [Assistente / Assistant].

Editore / Publisher: McNAUGHT SYNDICATE

Charlie Chan - Strisce quotidiane e tavole settimanali / Daily strip and Sunday page 1938-1940 [Assistente, testi e disegni / Assistant, scripts and art].


Kerry Drake - Strisce quotidiane e tavole settimanali / Daily strip and Sunday page c.1946-1948 [Assistente / Assistant].

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