10.04.2016 11:15

Master Cover Artists No. 9


Barye Winchell Phillips nasce il 19 settembre 1905 a Fort Lee, nel New Jersey. Frequenta il liceo per quattro anni. Si trasferisce a New York nel 1934 e diviene un artista commerciale professionista. Viene richiamato alle armi il 15 marzo 1943 e lavora come illustratore di manuali per le truppe durante la Seconda Guerra Mondiale.

Tra il 1944 e il 1946 disegna la tavola settimanale Famous Fiction per il Bell Syndicate, adattando a fumetti diverse opere letterarie.

Il figlio Baryé P. Phillips nasce il 26 Settembre 1946.

Dopo la guerra lavora brevemente con il reparto pubblicitario della Columbia Pictures. Viene notato dal direttore artistico della Pocket Books Sol Immerman, e inizia a dipingere copertine per i tascabile da loro pubblicati, così come dalla Avon e Popular Library.

Phillips è un esperto fotografo, ed è lui a scattare le foto con modelli poi utilizzate per i suoi dipinti. Verso la fine della guerra di Corea abbandona l'attività di copertinista per un paio di mesi per servire come artista-corrispondente per l'Esercito USA nel sud est asiatico.

Anche se dipinge copertine per tutti i principali editori statunitensi di libri tascabili, tra i quali Ace, Bantam, Berkley, Dell, Graphic, Pennant, Red Seal, le sue collaborazioni più durature sono quelle con Fawcett (Gold Medal e Crest Books), dove illustra, tra gli altri, i romanzi hard-boiled di Richard S. Prather con Shell Scott, e con la Signet Books, dove è il principale copertinista per i romanzi di Carter Brown, Mickey Spillane e di Ian Fleming con James Bond 007.

Tra il 1949 e il 1956 anche copertinista per volumi rilegati di editrici quali Sheridan House, McBride e Fawcett e inoltre tra il 1952 e il 1965 realizza copertine e illustrazioni per riviste pubblicate da Ziff-Davis, Fawcett, Popular, TD e MacFadden.

Nel 1966 e 1967 è Presidente della New York Society of Illustrators.

Phillips scompare nel dicembre 1968.

Baryé Winchell Phillips was born September 19, 1905 in Fort Lee, New Jersey. Attended four years of high school. He moved to New York in 1934 and became a professional commercial artist. He was drafted on March 15, 1943 and worked as an illustrator of training manuals during World War II.

From 1944-46 he drew the Famous Fiction newspaper Sunday page for the Bell Syndicate, adapting several literary works to comics.

Son Baryé P. Phillips was born September 26, 1946.

After the war he briefly worked with the advertising department at Columbia Pictures. While there, he was noticed by Pocket Books art director Sol Himmerman, and started painting paperback covers for them, as well as for Avon and Popular Library.

Phillips was an expert photographer, and took photos of the models that he later used for his paintings.

Towards the end of the Korean war he left paperback art for a few months to serve as an artist-correspondent for the US Army in Southeast Asia.

Although he painted covers for all the main US paperback publishers, including Ace, Bantam, Berkley, Dell, Graphic, Pennant, Red Seal, his longest tenures were those with Fawcett (Gold Medal and Crest Books), where he illustrated, among others, Richard S. Prather's hard-boiled Shell Scott novels, and with Signet Books, where he was the main artist on the Mickey Spillane, Carter Brown and Ian Fleming's James Bond 007 novels.

From 1949-56 he also drew covers for hardbacks published by Sheridan House, McBride and Fawcett and from 1952-65 he contributed covers and illustrations to magazines published by Ziff-Davis, Fawcett, Popular, TD and MacFadden.

He served two terms in 1966 and 1967 as President of New York's Society of Illustrators.

Phillips passed away in December 1968.


Editore/Publisher: ACE

Odds Against Linda (#D-451, 1960)

Editore/Publisher: AVON

AS They Reveled (#571, 1954)

Dream Street (#303, 1950)

Fools and Their Folly (#88, 1949)

The Hard-Boiled Virgin (#138, 1947)

The Jungle (#T-185, 1957; #T-324, 1959)

The Mysterious Affair at Styles (#312, 1950)

The Scarf (#494, 1952)

Editore/Publisher: BANTAM 1952-1960

Antic Hay (#A1560, 1957)

Ben-Hur (#F1903, 1959)

The Blonde in Black (#1974, 1959)

The Bramble Bush (#F1968, 1959)

Captain McRae (#1584, 1957)

A Cry of Children (#1147, 1953)

Dead, She was Beautiful (#1543, 1956)

Death Has Many Doors (#1040, 1952)

Death Has Many Doors (#1567, 1957)

Death of a Postman (#1883, 1958)

Eyeless in Gaza (#F1233, 1954)

The End of Violence (#A2067, 1959)

A Gentle Murderer (#1083, 1953)

The Golden Spiders (#1387, 1955)

The Great Stories of John O'Hara (#A1484, 1956)

James Bond 007 - Colonel Sun (#S4408, 1969)

The Kill (#A1290, 1955)

Knock Three-One-Two (#A2135, 1960)

The Late Lamented (#2030, 1960)

One for the Road (#1990, 1959)

Our Valiant Few (#F1744, 1958)

Pal Joey (#1679, 1957)

Sayonara (#A1318, 1955)

Signal Thirty-Two (#A2029, 1960)

Space on My Hands (#1077, 1952)

Target in Taffeta (#1323, 1955)

The Tough Die Hard (#1577, 1957)

Editore/Publisher: BELMONT

Wild Girls (#l92-576, ???)

Editore/Publisher: BERKLEY MEDALLION

Kill Me in Yoshiwara (#G502, 1961)

Titan's Daughter (#G507, 1961)

Your Turn Mr. Moto (#F756, 1963)

Editore/Publisher: CARDINAL

The D.A. Cooks a Goose (#C-345, 1959)

The Dream Merchants (#GC764, 1961)

A Gift from the Boys (#C-350, 1959)

The Scientists (#C-374, 1960)

A Sense of Values (#GC-129, 1962)

Silver Street Woman (#C-172, 1955)

A Stone for Danny Fisher (#GC-126, 1961)

Strangers When We Meet (#GC-56, 1959)

The Turquoise (#C-64, 1956)

Editore/Publisher: CREST/FAWCETT CREST

Baby Moll (#206, 1958)

The Bystander (#S328, 1959)

Clotilde (#D358, 1960)

Come Desire Me [The Year of August] (#S144, 1957)

Dagger of Flesh (#277, 1959)

Danger in My Blood (#316, 1959)

Devil in Dungarees (#348, 1960)

Doctor's Temptation (#R297, 1959)

Evil in the Night (#169, 1957)

Hand of the Mafia (#224, 1958)

Handsome's Seven Women (#S289, 1959)

Mask of Evil (#247, 1958)

Morocco Jones - The Case of the Golden Angel (#325, 1959)

Morocco Jones - Meet Morocco Jones (#195, 1957)

Morocco Jones - The Peeping Tom Murders (#234, 1958)

Off Limits (#S207, 1958; #S364, 1960)

Road Show (#S447, 1961)

The Sands of Kalahari (#D701, 1961)

Seed of Violence (#S182, 1957)

Seven Keys to Koptic Court (#D271, 1959)

Strange Are the Ways of Love (#S336, 1959)

The Ugly American (#T1223, 1958)

The Vanishing Vixen (#268, 1959)

Venus in Sparta (#S320, 1959)

Victorine (#D333, 1959)

Walk with Evil (#179, 1957)

Walk with Evil (#S397, 1960)

Wine of Life (#D285, 1959)

Editore/Publisher: DELL

The Beautiful Americans (#0495, 1966)

The Dirty Dozen (#1945,1966)

Free Woman (FE#18, 1951)

The Golden Hooligan (#B207, 1961)

The Golden Urge (FE#36, 1954)

The Golden Violet (#818, 1954)

Gypsy Sixpence (#D103, 1962)

Hell Cat (#521, 1951)

The Intruder (#4089, 1966)

Locked Doors (FE#4, 1951)

Miss Pinkerton (#494, 1951)

Murder in Havana (#423, 1953)

My Darlin' Evangeline (#B198, 1961)

Staircase 4 (#498, 1951)

Thief Is an Ugly Word (FE#27, 1951)

Untamed (#484, 1951)


About Doctor Ferrel (#254, 1952)

About Doctor Ferrel (#617, 1956)

Always Leave 'Em Dying (#413, 1954)

... And Be My Love (#183, 1951)

Armande (#875, 1959)

Assignment - Budapest (#707, 1957)

Assignment - Budapest (#K1525, 1965)

Assignment - Burma Girl (#1423, 1961)

Assignment - Carlotta Cortez (#834, 1959)

Assignment - Helene (#863, 1959)

Assignment - Lili Lamaris (#S911, 1959)

Assignment to Disaster (#KL534, 1955)

Assignment - Treason (#568, 1955)

Assignment - Zoraya (#979, 1960)

Area of Suspicion (#D1528, 1965)

The Avenger (#235, 1952; #924, 1959)

Awakening of Jenny (#109, 1950)

The Baby Doll Murders (#698, 1957)

Backwoods Tramp (#889, 1959)

Bad Day at Black Rock (#451, 1954)

Barge Girl (#303, 1952)

The Beach Girls (#S907, 1959)

Bier for a Chaser (#899, 1959)

The Big Caper (#470, 1955)

Big City Girl (#163, 1951)

The Big Gamble (#S1101, 1961)

Big Stan (#355, 1953)

Blond Savage (#476, 1955)

The Box (#S1262, 1962)

The Brass Cupcake (#124, 1950)

The Brass Cupcake (#792, 1958)

Bring Him Back Dead (#603, 1956)

The Brat (#708, 1957)

Cabin Road (#178, 1951)

Cassidy's Girl (#489, 1955)

The Chinese Keyhole (#143, 1951)

City of Women (#S453, 1954)

Clemmie (#S777, 1958)

Come Murder Me (#150, 1951)

The Comfortable Coffin (#K1297, 1963)

The Crimson Frame (#253, 1952)

Cry at Dusk (#247, 1952)

Cry Blood (#S564, 1956)

Cry Down the Lonely Night (#427, 1954)

The Damned (#S735, 1958)

The Damned (#S962, 1960)

The Damned (#R2052, 1969)

Danger in Paradise (#295, 1953)

Darling, It's Death (#265, 1952)

The Dead Darling (#531, 1955)

Dead Low Tide (#298, 1953)

Dead Low Tide (#T2432, 1971)

Dear, Deadly Beloved (#391, 1954)

Death Is a Lovely Dame (#423, 1954)

Death for Mr. Big (#S1100, 1961)

Death Was the Bridegroom (#466, 1955  )

The Decoy (#194, 1951; 529, 1955)

Deep Is the Pit (#G212, 1952)

Desire in the Dust (#611, 1956; #1050, 1960)

The Devil Drives (#269, 1952)

Don't Cry, Beloved (#239, 1952)

Escape from Morales (#320, 1953)

The Fall of Suzanne Swift (#353, 1953)

The Fast Buck (#270, 1952)

The Flesh-and Mr. Rawlie (#538, 1955)

Fools Walk In (#209, 1951; #600, 1956)

The Forbidden Room (#221, 1952)

Gay Ghastly Holiday (#175, 1951)

Get Out of Town (#188, 1951)

The Girl in Poison Cottage (#351, 1953)

The Girl in the House of Hate (#359, 1953)

The Girl in the Stateroom (#180, 1951)

The Golden Woman (#213, 1952)

The Great Debauch (#725, 1958)

A Gun in His Hand (#154, 1951)

Help Wanted - for Murder (#115, 1950)

Hideaway (#308, 1953)

Hill Girl (#141, 1951)

The Hoods Come Calling (#747, 1959)

The Hoods Take Over (#680, 1957)

The Hungry One (#D1647, 1966)

I Can't Stop Running (#166, 1951)

The Devil's Mistress (#192, 1951)

Inquest (#801, 1958; #981, 1960)

Jezebel in Crinoline (#416, 1954)

Judge Me Not (#186, 1951)

The Lady and the Cheetah (#197, 1951)

Lady in Dread (#459, 1955)

Lave Her to God (#301, 1952)

Let Them Eat Bullets (#378, 1954)

Let Them Eat Bullets (#586, 1956)

Look Back to Love (#324, 1953)

Look Behind You, Lady (#K1364, 1963)

Love Me Now (#263, 1952)

Lovers Are Losers (#297, 1953)

Madame Buccaneer (#328, 1953)

Make My Coffin Strong (#447, 1954)

Man Divided (#407, 1954)

Man on the Run (#822, 1958)

The Mating Cry (#885, 1959)

Mission to Murder (#444, 1954)

Morgue for Venus (#582, 1956)

Mountain Girl (#276, 1952)

Murder for the Bride (#164, 1951)

Murder on the Side (#622, 1956)

Naked Ebony (#158, 1951)

Nice Guys Finish Dead (#S1079, 1961)

One Wild Oat (#S1181, 1961)

Plunder (#266, 1952)

Plunder (#S809, 1958)

Pure Sweet Hell (#972, 1960)

Red Runs the River (#216, 1952)

Re-Enter Fu-Manchu (#S684, 1957; #K1458, 1964)

Retreat Into Night (#389, 1954)

Ride the Gold Mare (#644, 1957)

River Girl (#G207, 1951)

Run for Your Life (#343, 1953)

Run from the Hunter (#1062, 1960)

Satan Is a Woman (#169, 1951)

The Savage Breast (#S1104, 1961)

Savage Bride (#136, 1950)

Shanghai Flame (#181, 1951)

The Sharp Edge (#234, 1952)

Shell Scott - Always Leave 'Em Dying (#849, 1959)

Shell Scott - Bodies in Bedlam (#147, 1951; #S1242, 1962; #D1718, 1966)

Shell Scott - Case of the Vanishing Beauty (#127, 1950)

Shell Scott - Case of the Vanishing Beauty (#425, 1956; #D1648, 1966)

Shell Scott - Dance with the Dead (#S990, 1960)

Shell Scott - Darling, It's Death (#265, 1952; #505, 1955; #505, 1957; #838, 1959; #S1039, 1960)

Shell Scott - Dig That Crazy Grave (#S1144, 1961; #D1598, 1961)

Shell Scott - Double in Trouble (#D926, 1959;#R1891, 1959)

Shell Scott - Find This Woman (#821, 1958)

Shell Scott - Everybody Had a Gun (#D1717, 1966)

Shell Scott - Have Gat, Will Travel (#677, 1957)

Shell Scott - Joker in the Deck (K1376, 1964)

Shell Scott - Lie Down, Killer (#D1637, 1966)

Shell Scott - Over Her Dead Body (#S887, 1959)

Shell Scott - Pattern for Panic (#D155, 1961; #R2107,1961)

Shell Scott - Strip for Murder (#D1604, 1965)

Shell Scott - Strip for Murder (#508, 1957; #K1381, 1964)

Shell Scott - Take a Murder, Darling (#745, 1958)

Shell Scott - Too Many Crooks (#551, 1957; #850, 1959)

Shell Scott - The Wailing Frail (#851, 1959; #D1811, 1967)

Shell Scott - The Wailing Frail (#S1051, 1962)

Shell Scott - Way of a Wanton (#497, 1957; #830, 1958; #K1382, 1964; #R2086, 1969)

The Sin Shouter of  Cabin Road (#633, 1957)

The Slasher (#S910, 1959)

The Slavers (#S1077, 1961)

So Wicked My Love (#437, 1954)

So Young, So Wicked (#954, 1960)

Spring Fire (#222, 1952; 398, 1956)

State Department Murders (#117, 1950)

State Department Murders (#634, 1957)

Stolen Woman (#139, 1950)

Strangers in My Bed (#463, 1955)

Street of No Return (#S1108, 1961)

Street of the Lost (#256, 1952)

Sumuru (#199, 1951; #757, 1958)

Swamp Brat (#281, 1953)

Sweet Money Girl (#385, 1954)

Tears Are for Angels (#224, 1952)

Teen-Age Mafia (#S917, 1959)

This Woman (S953, 1960)

Tokyo Doll (#336, 1953)

Terror in the Sun (#237, 1952)

Thieves Fall Out (#311, 1953)

Till It Hurts (#1053, 1960)

To Hell Together (#198, 1951; #S922, 1959)

To Kiss, or Kill (#206, 1951)

The Tormented (#119, 1950)

The Truth About Belle Gunness (#487, 1955)

The Tycoon and the Tigress (#S762, 1958)

Uncle Good's Girls (#238, 1952)

Uncle Good's Week-End Party (#1031, 1960)

Violence Is My Business (#769, 1958)

Violence Is My Business (#K1413, 1958)

Who Has Wilma Lathrop? (#494, 1955)

Wild Breed (#443, 1954)

Witness This Woman (#942, 1959)

A Woman for Henry (#399, 1956)

Women's Barracks (#132, 1950; #379, 1954)

Women's Barracks (#S1171, 1961)

Women Without Men (#K1306, 1963)

Editore/Publisher: GRAPHIC

Captain Bashful (#G-214, 1956)

Captain for Elizabeth (#G-211, 1956)

Homicide Lost (#122, 1956)

Make Way for Murder (#115, 1955)

So Lovely to Kill (#127, 1956)

Editore/Publisher: LANCER BOOKS

Naked in Paris (#LB72-653, 1963)

Editore/Publisher: PENNANT BOOKS

Beyond Human Ken (#P56, 1954)

Takeoff (#P15, 1953)

Editore/Publisher: PERMA BOOKS 1961-1962

Grandpa and the Girls (#M4214, 1961)

A Place to Meet Mary Orr (#M-4257, 1962)

Editore/Publisher: POCKET BOOKS 1947-51/1956/1965-68

About Mr. Leslie (#838, 1951)

Annie Jordan (#690, 1951)

Black Ivory (#632, 1949)

Captain Seadog (#1237, 1959)

The Case of the Buried Clock (#678, 1950)

The Case of the Empty Tin (#619, 1949)

The Case of the Turning Tide (#2544, 1957)

The Case of the Waylaid Wolf (#6151, 1962)

Combat Nurse (#1147, 1955)

The D.A. Cooks a Goose (#561, 1950)

The D.A. Cooks a Goose (#2561, 1956)

Dr. Whitney's Secretary (#583, 1949)

The Foolish Virgin (#525, 1948)

For Doctors Only (#796, 1953)

The Girl from Nowhere (#707, 1950)

The Hurricane (#188, 1947)

Laughter Is Legal (#948, 1953)

The Little Saint (#50542, 1967)

Mr. Adam (#495, 1948; #2498, 1955; #2498, 1959)

The Night Life of the Gods (#2428, 1955)

The Poisoned Chocolates Case (#814, 1951)

Rampart Street (#681, 1950)

79 Park Avenue (#75046, 1966)

She Died a Lady (#507, 1948)

Shell Scott - Dead Man's Walk (#50177, 1965)

Shell Scott - Kill Him Twice (#55025, 1968)

Shell Scott - The Trojan Hearse (#45020, 1964)

Special Nurse (#692, 1950)

A Stone for Danny Fisher (#5047, 1965)

Suddenly a Corpse (#704, 1950)

The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (#455, 1948)

The Turquoise (#534, 1949)

The Twisted Flame (#6035, 1960)

The Vixens (#655, 1950)

The Yukon Trail (#487, 1948)

Editore/Publisher: PONY BOOKS

Blood of the North (#66, 1946)

Editore/Publisher: POPULAR LIBRARY

Bedelia (#111, 1947)

The Last Hero (#G308, 1951)

The Valley of Love [The Feast of July] (#683, 1955)

Editore/Publisher: RED SEAL

City of Women (#12, 1952)

Each Life to Live (#8, 1952)

Girl from Town (#20, 1952)

Hell Hath No Fury (#96, 1958)

I'll See You in Hell (#112, 1958)

Lili of Paris (#19, 1952)

The Sea Waifs (#13, 1952)

The Sky Tramps (#7, 1952)

This, Too, Is Love (#26, 1953)

This Woman (#9, 1952)

Thy Name Is Woman (#25, 1952)

Editore/Publisher: ROYAL BOOKS

The Harem of His Men (#26, 1954)

Trek East (#19, 1953)

Roxana (#24, 1953)

Editore/Publisher: SIGNET BOOKS

The Americanization of Emily (#S1825, 1960)

The Barbarian and the Geisha (#S1523, 1958)

The Big Kill (#915, 1957)

The Black Leather Barbarians (#S1863, 1960)

The Blessing (#S1625, 1959)

Bullets Are My Business (#S1852, 1960)

Calamity Fair (#843, 1951)

The Caretakers (#T1790, 1960)

Carter Brown - The Blonde (#1565, 1958)

Carter Brown - The Blonde (#S1972, 1961)

Carter Brown - The Body (#1527, 1958)

Carter Brown - The Bombshell (#1767, 1960)

Carter Brown - The Bombshell (#D3097, 1960)

Carter Brown - The Brazen (#S1836, 1960)

Carter Brown - The Dame (#1738, 1959)

Carter Brown - The Desired (#1794, 1960)

Carter Brown - The Ever-Loving Blues (#1919, 1961)

Carter Brown - Graves, I Dig! (#S1801, 1960)

Carter Brown - The Million Dollar Babe (#S1909, 1961)

Carter Brown - The Mistress (#1594, 1958)

Carter Brown - None But Lethal Heart (#1694, 1959)

Carter Brown - The Passionate (#1674, 1959)

Carter Brown - The Savage Salome (#1896, 1961)

Carter Brown - Suddenly by Violence (#1722, 1959)

Carter Brown - The Temptress (#S1817, 1960)

Carter Brown - Terror Comes Creeping (#1750, 1959)

Carter Brown - The Victim (#1633, 1959)

Carter Brown - The Wayward Wahine (#1764, 1960)

Comfort Me with Apples (#S1451, 1957)

The Dark Corners of the Night (#S1834, 1960)

The Dharma Bums (#D1718, 1959)

Diamond Head (#T1877, 1960)

Dirty Eddie (#858, 1951)

Escapade (#1554, 1958)

The Fugitive Kind (#S1745, 1960)

The Girl with the Swansdown Seat (#D1561, 1958)

The Guilty Are Afraid (#1749, 1959)

Hong Kong Incident (#D2935, 1966)

Hotel Mamie Stover (#P2514, 1964)

James Bond 007 - Casino Royale (#S1762, 1960; #D1997, 1963)

James Bond 007 - Doctor No (#D2036, 1964)

James Bond 007 - From Russia, with Love (#S1563, 1959)

James Bond 007 - Goldfinger (#D2052, 1964)

James Bond 007 - Live and Let Die (#D2051, 1963; #S1723, 1959)

James Bond 007 - The Man with the Golden Gun (#P2735, 1966)

James Bond 007 - Moonraker (#S1850, 1960)

James Bond 007 - The Spy Who Loved Me (#D2280, 1963)

James Bond 007 - Thunderball (#P2734, 1961)

Knight's Gambit (#825, 1950)

Lament for a Lousy Lover (#S1856, 1960)

Let No Man Write My Epitaph (#D1693, 1959)

The Lonely (#819, 1950)

The Long Wait (#932, 1952)

A Long Way from Home (#D1870, 1960)

The Mackerel Plaza (#S1648, 1959)

Mike Hammer - The Big Kill (#915, 1951)

Mike Hammer - I, the Jury (#699, 1949)

Mike Hammer - The Long Wait (#932, 1957)

Mike Hammer - My Gun Is Quick (#1789, 1960)

Mike Hammer - One Lonely Night (#888, 1958; #S1728, 1959)

Murder Charge (#S1994, 1961)

Nine Miles to Reno (#S1570, 1958)

On the Beach (D1562, 1960)

On the Road (#D1619, 1959)

The Rainbow and the Rose (#D1740, 1959)

The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone (#S1664, 1959)

Saturday Night and Sunday Morning (#D1842, 1958)

Someone to Hate (#S2141, 1962)

A Taste for Blood (#S1800, 1960)

The Tents of Wickedness (#D1827, 1960)

Until You Are Dead (#S1835, 1960)

Vengeance Is Mine (#S1710, 1959)

A Walk in the Sun (#1467, 1957)

The Young Lions (#817AB, 1950)


Editore/Publisher: BOUREGY & CURL

The Cross and the Sword (1956).

Editore/Publisher: FAWCETT

Assignment - Suicide (1956).


Editore/Publisher: McBRIDE

A Treasury of American Ballads (1954).

Editore/Publisher: SHERIDAN HOUSE

Home, Sweet Home! (1949).


Editore/Publisher: FAWCETT

Cavalier - Cover art Feb 1957; Illustrations Nov 1954; June 1957; July 1957; Nov 1957; Dec 1957.

Editore/Publisher: MacFADDEN

Saga - Cover art July 1964.


Adventure - Illustrations Apr 1954; Oct 1954.

Argosy - Illustrations Nov 1962; Jan 1963.

Editore/Publisher: POPULAR LIBRARY

Ranch Romances - Cover art Aug 1965.


Master Detective - Cover Dec 1953; Jan 1954; Aug 1954; Oct 1954; Dec 1954; Mar 1955.


Science Fiction Adventures - Cover art Nov 1974.

Editore/Publisher: ZIFF-DAVIS

Amazing Stories - Cover art Mar 1952; Apr 1952;
Apr-May 1953; June-July 1953

Fantastic - Cover art Summer 1952 [with Leo Summers]; Nov-Dec 1952.


Editore/Publisher: THE BELL SYNDICATE

Famous Fiction - Tavole settimanali / Sunday page: Disegni/Art 23 July 1944-19 May 1946

The Murders in the Rue Morgue - 23 July 1944-27 Aug 1944.

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow - 3 Sept 1944-8 Oct 1944.

A Midsummer's Night Dream - 15 Oct 1944-5 Nov 1944.

Arabian Nights - The Fisherman and the Genie - 12 Nov 1944-17 Dec 1944.

Hansel and Gretel - 24 Dec 1944-28 Jan 1945.

Treasure Island - 4 Feb 1945-25 Mar 1945.

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - 1 Apr 1945-20 May 1945.

The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad the Sailor - 27 May 1945-15 July 1945.

Huckleberry Finn's Trip Down the Mississippi - 22 July 1945-9 Sept 1945.

A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court  - 16 Sept 1945-4 Nov 1945.

Aladdin's Lamp - 11 Nov 1945-30 Dec 1945.

The Minotaur - 6 Jan 1946-1946.

King Arthur - 1946-19 May 1946.

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