26.12.2015 08:34

Amazing Animators No. 20



Michael H. Arens nasce il 2 Dicembre 1915 a Los Angeles, in California, da Dorothy Anderson (1898-1952) e da padre non meglio identificato.

Alla fine del 1937 Arens presenta il suo portfolio allo studio Disney di Hollywood. Il 4 novembre 1937 riceve una lettera di risposta da George Drake, il quale gli dice che ha talento, ma anche che ha bisogno di formazione. Così Arens iniziato a lavorare presso lo studio il 6 dicembre 1937, facendo apprendistato come intercalatore a $2.00 al giorno, esclusa la domenica. Viene ufficialmente ingaggiato il 3 gennaio 1938, e lavorerà soprattutto come story sketch artist dal 1938 al 1942. Collabora a Pinocchio e alla Danza delle Ore, segmento di Fantasia.

Nel 1940 suo padre è morto e Mike vive con la madre a Burbank.

Arruolato, Arens lascia lo studio Disney il 20 febbraio 1942. Per tutta la durata della guerra lavora presso il Naval Photographic Science Laboratory, contribuendo a film di formazione per la Marina USA.

Torna alla vita civile nel 1946 e assiste brevemente Fred Harman per la strip Red Ryder. Editor & Publisher riferisce che Arens disegna una strip quotidiana e settimanale denominata Hey, Mac tra il 1947 e il 1961, ma nessuna pubblicazione è nota.

Arens e sua moglie Olivia King hanno tre figli, Michael, Michelle Diane, e Halli Christine.

A partire dal 1949 Arens disegna per i comic books, iniziando con Street & Smith su True Stories Picture Sport. Poco dopo inizia una lunga collaborazione con l'uffio californiano della Western Printing e con il direttore artistico Tom McKimson. Gli vengono principalmente affidati fumetti western come Rex Allen e Buck Jones, e nel maggio 1950 inizia a disegnare la tavola settimanale di Roy Rogers, distribuita dal King Features Syndicate. Arens continua a realizzarla fino al 1961, lavorando anche sulla striscia quotidiana tra il 1959 e il 1961.

Arens continua a disegnare serie a fumetti per la Western Printing dal 1962 al 1976, tra le quali Tarzan, Korak Son of Tarzan, Mary Poppins, My Favorite Martian, Shazzan, Mighty Mightor, Young Samson and Goliath, Donald Duck, Chip 'n' Dale, and Scamp. Ancora tramite la Western, disegna i personaggi Disney e Hanna-Barbera per pubblicazioni estere.

Arens torna all'animazione nel 1966 lavorando come direttore artistico allo studio Grantray-Lawrence per le serie TV Marvel Superheroes e Spider-Man. Dopo un breve periodo trascorso alla Playhouse Pictures come scenografo si unisce allo studio di Hanna-Barbera nel 1967, disegnando layout per diverse serie TV, tra cui The Banana Splits, Scooby Doo Where Are You!, Jabberjaw, and Dynomutt Dog Wonder, nonché per il film d'animazione Charlotte's Web, che adatta il romanzo di E.B. White su un maiale che tenta di evitare di essere ucciso per Natale e un ragno che cerca di salvarlo. Dopo aver lasciato Hanna-Barbera nel 1975, Arens lavora brevemente allo studio Sanrio sul lungometraggio Winds of Change, alias Metamorphoses.

Alla metà del 1965 Tom Cooke, che aveva disegnato fumetti per la Western nel 1950, resta gravemente ferito in un incidente e deve lasciare Drift Marlo, la strip che ha creato nel 1961 con lo scrittore Philip Evans (anch'egli collaboratore della Western). Evans chiede ad Arens di sostituire Cooke, cosicché Mike la disegna dal luglio 1965 fino a quando la striscia viene sospesa nel gennaio del 1966.

Per diversi anni (c.1965-72), Arens realizza copertine e storie per le riviste a fumetti della Petersen Pubblications CARtoons and Hot Rod Cartoons, e nel 1967 realizza una storia per l'albo di grande formato Wham-O Giant Comics.

Arens inizia a disegnare strisce e tavole a fumetti per la Disney nel 1968. In momenti diversi contribuisce a Uncle Remus, Scamp, Mickey Mouse, Disney's Christmas Stories e Disney's Treasury of Classic Tales.

Nel 1975 produce materiale promozionale per Burger King.

Arens muore il 19 giugno 1976, all'età di 61 anni, a seguito di un incidente in moto a Soledad Canyon vicino a Saugus, California.

Michael H. Arens was born December 2, 1915 in Los Angeles, California to Dorothy Anderson (1898-1952) and unknown father.

In late 1937 Arens submitted his portfolio to the Disney studio in Hollywood. On November 4, 1937 he received a response letter from George Drake, telling him that he had talent but also that he would need training. So Arens began working at the studio on December 6, 1937, training as an inbetweener at $2.00 per day exclusive of Sundays. He was officially hired on January 3, 1938, mainly serving as a story sketch artist from 1938-42. He worked on Pinocchio and on the Dance of the Hours segment of Fantasia.

By 1940 his father had passed away and he was living with his mother in Burbank.

Arens left the Disney studio on February 20, 1942, having been drafted. For the duration of the war he was employed at the Naval Photographic Science Laboratory, working on training films for the US Navy.

Back to civilian life in 1946, he briefly assisted Fred Harman on the Red Ryder newspaper comic strip. Editor & Publisher reports Arens as drawing the
daily and Sunday newspaper strip Hey, Mac from 1947-61, but no publication is known.

Arens and his wife Olivia King had three children, Michael, Michelle Diane, and Halli Christine.

As of 1949 Arens was drawing for comic books, starting with Street & Smith's True Sport Picture Stories. Shortly after he began a long collaboration with Western Printing's West Coast Office and art director Tom McKimson. He was mainly assigned such western comics as Rex Allen and Buck Jones, and by May 1950 he was drawing the Roy Rogers Sunday page, released by King Features Syndicate. Arens continued drawing it until 1961, also working on the daily strip from 1959-61.

Arens continued drawing comic book stories for Western off and from 1962 to 1976, including Tarzan, Korak Son of Tarzan, Mary Poppins, My Favorite Martian, Shazzan, Mighty Mightor, Young Samson and Goliath, Donald Duck, Chip 'n' Dale, and Scamp. For Western he also drew the Disney and Hanna-Barbera characters for overseas publications.

Arens went back to animation in 1966 working as art director for Grantray-Lawrence on their Marvel Superheroes and Spider-Man TV series. After a brief stint at Playhouse Pictures as production designer he joined the Hanna-Barbera studio in 1967, drawing layouts for several TV series, including The Banana Splits, Scooby Doo Where Are You!, Jabberjaw, and Dynomutt Dog Wonder, as well as for the animated feature, Charlotte's Web, which adapted E. B. White's novel about a pig trying to avoid being killed for Christmas and a spider who tries to save him. After leaving Hanna-Barbera in 1975, Arens briefly worked at Sanrio on the animated feature Winds of Change aka Metamorphoses.

In mid-1965 artist Tom Cooke, who had drawn comic books for Western in the 1950s, was seriously injured in an accident and had to leave Drift Marlo, the newspaper strip he had been working on since 1961 with writer Philip Evans (also a Western contributor). Evans asked Arens to replace Cooke, which he did from July 1965 until the strip was cancelled in January 1966.

For several years (c.1965-72) Arens contributed covers and stories to Petersen Publications' CARtoons and Hot Rod Cartoons, as well as a story to the oversized comic book, Wham-O Giant Comics in 1967.

Arens started drawing newspaper strips for Disney in 1968. At different times he contributed to Uncle Remus, Scamp, Mickey Mouse, Disney's Christmas Stories, and Disney's Treasury of Classic Tales.

In 1975 he produced promotional material for Burger King.

Arens passed away on June 19 1976, aged 61, following a motorcycle accident at Soledad Canyon near Saugus, California.


Studio: DISNEY 6 Dec 1937-1 Jan 1938

Intercalatore / Inbetweener

Cortometraggi sconosciuti / Unknown shorts


Studio: DISNEY 3 Jan 1938-20 Feb 1942

Story Sketch

09/02/1940 Pinocchio

13/11/1940 Fantasia [Sequence: Dance of the Hours]

Studio: GRANTRAY-LAWRENCE 1965-1967

Direttore artistico/Art Director

00/00/1966-00/00/1966 The Marvel Super Heroes [TV series]

00/00/1967-00/00/1968 Spider-Man [TV series]

Studio: HANNA-BARBERA 1967


16/12/1967 Fantastic Four [TV series - 1 episode]



Production designer

00/12/1968  The Night Before Christmas [TV Special]

Studio: HANNA-BARBERA 1968-1972/1975-1976


00/00/1969  The Banana Splits Adventure Hour [TV series - 1 episode]

13/09/1969-31/10/1970 Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! [TV series - 25 episodes]

00/00/1970-00/00/1971 Harlem Globe Trotters [TV series]

28/01/1971 Wait 'til Your Father Gets Home [TV series - 1 episode]

00/00/1971-00/00/1971 The Pebbles and Bamm-Bamm Show [TV series]

09/09/1972-23/12/1972 The New Scooby-Doo Movies [TV series - 16 episodes]

21/11/1972 The Thanksgiving That Almost Wasn't [TV Special]

09/12/1972 A Christmas Story [TV Special]

01/03/1973 Charlotte's Web

00/00/1973-00/00/1973 Goober and the Ghost Chasers [TV series]

11/09/1976-18/12/1976 The Scooby-Doo/Dynomutt Hour [TV series - 16 episodes]

11/09/1976-18/12/1976 Jabberjaw [TV series - 16 episodes]

00/00/1977-00/00/1977 Scooby's All-Star Laff-A-Lympics [TV series]

00/00/1978-00/00/1978 Dynomutt Dog Wonder [TV series]

Studio: SANRIO 1976


03/05/1978 Winds of Change aka Metamorphoses





Annie Oakley - Four Color #438 (1952).

Branded - Annie Oakley #17 (1958).

Buck Jones - Buck Jones #7, 8 (1952); Four Color #299, 500, 546, 589, 652 (1950/53/54/55).

Chuckwagon Charley's Tales - Roy Rogers and Trigger
#125 (1958).

Copertine/Cover art - Four Color #438 (1952); Red Ryder Comics #117 (1953).

Dale Evans - Queen of the West Dale Evans #11 (1956); Western Roundup #15 (1956).

Davy Crockett - Davy Crockett, King of the Wild Frontier #1 (1955).

Famous Texans - Jace Pearson's Tales of the Texas Rangers #18 (1957).

Feast Fun - Tarzan's Jungle Annual #3 (1954).

The Flying A's Range Rider - The Flying A's Range Rider #6, 10, 12 (1954-55).

The Frontiersmen - Western Roundup #23 (1958).

Gene Autry - Gene Autry Comics #43, 45, 46, 47 [solo chine/inks only], 67 [solo chine/inks only], 90, 96 (1950-51/52/54/55).

Johnny Mack Brown - Johnny Mack Brown #8 (1951).

Jungle Catastrophe - Tarzan's Jungle Annual #3 (1954).

Jungle Fishing - Tarzan's Jungle Annual #3 (1954).

Jungle Jingles - Tarzan's Jungle Annual #3 (1954).

Panhandle Pete - Gene Autry Comics #39, 40, 42, 43, 48 (1950-51).

Red Ryder - Red Ryder Comics #100, 101 (1951).

Rex Allen - Rex Allen #23 (1956); Western Roundup #3, 15, 18, 19 (1953/56/57).

Ricky Nelson - Four Color #1115 (1960).

Roy Rogers - Western Roundup #2, 4-7, 9, 14, 16, 21 (1953-57).

Roy Rogers and Trigger - Roy Rogers and Trigger #121, 123-125 (1958); Western Roundup #20, 24 (1957/58).

Tarzan - Edgar Rice Burroughs' Tarzan's Jungle Annual #7 (1958).

Trigger - Roy Rogers and Trigger #126 (1958).

Trigger and Bullet - Western Roundup #14, 16 (1956).

Wild Bill Elliott - Western Roundup #14 (1956).


African Birds - Korak, Son of Tarzan #9 (1965).

African Dog and Wolf Family - Korak, Son of Tarzan #10 (1965).

African Native Houses - Korak, Son of Tarzan #12 (1966).

African Pirates - Tarzan #156 (1966).

Animal Tree Homes - Korak, Son of Tarzan #10 (1965).

Birdman - Hanna-Barbera Super TV Heroes #1 (1968) [solo matite/pencils only].

Brer Rabbit - WDC&S #433 [solo matite/pencils only] (1976).

Chip 'n' Dale - Chip 'n' Dale #32-36 [solo matite/pencils only] (1975); WDC&S #265, 350 (1962/69), 353, 429 [solo matite/pencils only] (1970/76).

Chocolate and Spice - Korak, Son of Tarzan #13 (1966).

Copertine/Cover art - Chip 'n' Dale #35, 36 [solo matite/pencils only] (1975); My Favorite Martian #4, 5 (1965); Scamp #18, 21-25, 29 [solo matite/pencils only] (1974-76).

Could It Be True? - Korak, Son of Tarzan #9 (1965).

Donald Duck - Donald Duck #136 (1971).

Elephant Capers - Korak, Son of Tarzan #10 (1965).

The Eyes Have It - Korak, Son of Tarzan #12 (1966).

The Galaxy Trio - Hanna-Barbera Super TV Heroes #1 (1968) [solo matite/pencils only].

Goofy - Donald Duck #86 (1963).

Herculoids - Hanna-Barbera Super TV Heroes #6 (1969).

Jungle Justice - Korak, Son of Tarzan #12 (1966).

Jungle Musicians - Korak, Son of Tarzan #11 (1965).

King of Beasts - Korak, Son of Tarzan #10 (1965).

Korak, Son of Tarzan - Korak, Son of Tarzan #4, 5, 11 (1964-65) [solo chine/inks only], #12 (1966), #14 (1966) [con/with Warren Tufts], 20 (1967) [solo matite/pencils only].

The Lion Killers - Korak, Son of Tarzan #11 (1965).

Lost Mission Treasure - Lassie #66 (1966).

Lotuka Rain Dance - Korak, Son of Tarzan #13 (1966).

Mary Poppins - Mary Poppins [#1] (1965).

Mermaids and Monsters - Korak, Son of Tarzan #14 (1966).

The Mighty Mightor - Hanna-Barbera Super TV Heroes #1 (1968) [solo matite/pencils only].

Mighty Swamp... The Sudd - Tarzan #156 (1966).

Mountains of the Moon - Korak, Son of Tarzan #15 (1966).

My Favorite Martian - My Favorite Martian #4-9 (1965-66).

Scamp - Scamp #22-25, 29-31 [solo matite/pencils only] (1975-76); WDC&S #398, 405-427, 429, 431 (1973-76).

Shazzan - Hanna-Barbera Super TV Heroes #2, 3, 5 (1968-69) [solo matite/pencils only].

South African Headdresses - Korak, Son of Tarzan #10 (1965).

Tarzan - Tarzan #158-160 (1966).

Tree Toppers and Tree Topplers - Korak, Son of Tarzan #12 (1966).

Unusual African Fish - Korak, Son of Tarzan #9 (1965).

Young Samson and Goliath - Hanna-Barbera Super TV Heroes #1 (1968) [solo matite/pencils only].

Editore/Publisher: PETERSEN

Copertine / Cover art - CARtoons #26 (12/65), 27 (2/66), 32 (12/66), 35 (6/67), 42 (8/68), 46 (4/69) [solo matite/pencils only].

Pappy's Put-On - Hot Rod Cartoons #10 (1966).

Unk an' Them Varmints et al - CARtoons #23 (6/65), 24 (8/65), 26 (12/65), 27 (2/66), 29 (6/66), 35 (6/67), 38 (12/67), 42 (8/68), 45
(2/69), 58 (4/71), 64 (4/72).


Editore/Publisher: STREET & SMITH

Kinscem the Wonder Horse - True Sport Picture Stories Vol5#2 (1949).

What Are Champion Golfers Made Of? - True Sport Picture Stories Vol5#2 (1949).

Editore/Publisher: WHAM-O

Mark of the Sun - Wham-O Giant Comics #1 (1967).



Drift Marlo - Strisce quotidiane/Daily strip - disegni/art 17 July 1965-1 Jan 1966.


Roy Rogers - Strisce quotidiane/Daily strip - disegni/art 1959-17 Dec 1960; 16-21 Jan 1961.

Roy Rogers - Tavole settimanali/Sunday page - disegni/art 21 May 1950-17 Sept 1950; 8 Oct 1950-Jan 1961.



Disney Christmas Story - Strisce quotidiane annuali/Annual daily strip - disegni/art 1966/67/71

Snow White's Christmas Surprise 28 Nov 1966-24 Dec 1966.

Dumbo and the Christmas Mystery 27 Nov 1967-23 Dec 1967.

The Christmas Conspiracy 6 Dec 1971-24 Dec 1971.

Disney's Treasury of Classic Tales - Tavole settimanali/Sunday page disegni/art 1968/1973-76.

The Horse in the Gray Flannel 17 Nov 1968-29 Dec 1968.

The World's Greatest Athlete 7 Jan 1973-25 Mar 1973.

Cinderella 1 Apr 1973-24 June 1973.

One Little Indian 1 July 1973-30 Sept 1973.

Robin Hood 7 Oct 1973-27 Jan 1974.

Alice in Wonderland 3 Feb 1974-28 Apr 1974.

Herbie Rides Again 5 May 1974-28 July 1974.

The Bears and I 4 Aug 1974-29 Sept 1974.

The Island at the Top of the World 6 Oct 1974-26 Jan 1975.

Escape to Witch Mountain 2 Feb 1975-27 Apr 1975.

Apple Dumpling Gang 4 May 1975-29 June 1975.

One of Our Dinosaurs is Missing 6 July 1975-28 Sept 1975.

Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too 5 Oct 1975-30 Nov 1975.

No Deposit, No Return 7 Dec 1975-29 Feb 1976.

Gus 7 Mar 1976-30 May 1976.

Treasure of Matecumbe 6 June 1976-29 Aug 1976.

Mickey Mouse - Strisce quotidiane/Daily strip - matite/pencils 15 Mar 1971-20 Mar 1971; 22 Nov 1971-11 Dec 1971.

Scamp - Strisce quotidiane/Daily strip - matite/pencils 1968; 17 Mar 1969-21 Aug 1976.

Scamp - Tavole settimanali/Sunday page - matite/pencils 1968; 20 Apr 1969-19 Sept 1976.

Uncle Remus and His Tales of Brer Rabbit - Tavole settimanali/Sunday page disegni/art 17 Nov 1968-29 Dec 1968.


Editore/Publisher: NEA

Red Ryder - Strisce quotidiane eTavole settimanali /Daily strip and Sunday page disegni/art c.1946.



Brer Rabbit - S 63014, S 63015.

Donald Duck The Sausage Tree - S 62002.

Ludwig Von Drake The Bone Yard - S 62003.

Mickey Mouse Back to Nature - S 62001.


Editore/Publisher: CITY

Huckleberry Hound Weekly (1961-62).

Yogi Bear's Own Weekly (1962).




A Little Golden Book - Scooby-Doo and the Pirate Treasure #126 [solo matite/pencils only] (1974).

Editore/Publisher: WHITMAN

Legends of Davy Crockett (1955).

Tell-a-Tale - Wacky Witch: The Royal Birthday #2549 [solo matite/pencils only] (1971).



Burger King (1975).

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